The Art of Casino Design: Creating a Visual Experience

The main thing that visually attracts many people towards a casino is the architecture. It all depends on the person who designed the place to create a good visual experience for visitors. The exterior is the main thing which people notice at first. The fact that casinos mostly rely on gamblers for their revenue can surely not be denied. Therefore, they need new players walking through the doors all the time.

It is equally necessary for the casino hubs to have good architecture which allows them to lower their operating costs. When a place gets more patrons, the revenue increases; if the expenditure of the operating costs has been decreased, then the revenue would be as high as possible. Here we will be talking about some tips which should be followed to ensure that the casino design has been made at its best to attract more patrons towards the casino. These tips are as follows-

Walls with fewer windows

When we talk about casinos, it should be noted that these are closed buildings where outsiders cannot look at what’s happening inside. This should be known if you are looking forward to designing a casino. The main motive behind having windowless walls and no clocks is to prevent patrons from noticing time passing.

Layout which makes patrons feel comfortable

The next thing which should be kept in mind regarding the casino design is that the design should be made in such a way which makes the patrons or the gamblers feel comfortable. The dining areas and bars should be kept near the casino tables to ensure that the patrons can access them whenever they want. These things are mostly ignored during casino design but they play a vital role in determining whether the patrons would stay longer in the casino. Along with that, it is necessary to have a good and interactive non-smoking room for gamblers who are addicted to smoking.

Raised access floor should be used.

Now we will be talking about the flooring which should be used for casino design. If the casino hubs have normal flooring, the players won’t feel much enthusiasm when playing the games. The raised access floors allow the players to be at a good level above the ground to make them feel great. Along with that, the raised access floors make the design better, as the wiring and other things can go underground without even being noticed by the players.

Saving electricity is the main motive.

The next thing which should be kept in mind is related to electricity. As we have discussed in the beginning, the operating costs of the casino hub should be low to increase revenue. Therefore, this can only be done when the designing is done in a way that uses less electricity, but attracts players. The new technologies have made it possible to reduce electricity costs by 30% or even more than that. It requires an initial investment but would be enough to save electricity for a long time.

Using Durable Materials

The last thing that should be kept in mind is related to the materials used in the same. The materials used in a casino hub are replaced frequently, which might even increase operating costs. But if durable materials are used during the design, it would be great and even efficient for the casino hubs; and they would be able to save a good amount of money through the same.

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